Wednesday, December 15, 2010


                  It is said that the ancient Aztec ruler Montezuma loved to consume a drink that was made of chocolate and vanilla. Both Chocolate and vanilla are native to Mexico and to this day are still consumed. The common food source to most of Mexico is a combination of rice and beans. This simple yet healthy combo is a very necessary part of Mexican habitats . Most of the people there rely on mostly grown veggies the do not require going to the market for. During the invasion of the Spanish they brought over many types of food not common to the native Aztec empire. Foods such as cattle,pigs, chickens as well as parsley,cinnamon, and black pepper. The Spaniards also introduced fruits and vegetables such as oranges, grapes, apples, lettuce,carrots, potatoes, etc. Allot of these actually came from Peru.
           Other famous Mexican dishes are quesadillas, chilles rellenos, and mole. Most Mexican dished are a combo of native indigenous food and foreign Spanish ingredients. To be completely honest it is weather one can afford these authentic dishes or only rely on basic fundamentals of rice, beans and corn tortillas. Perhaps a Chile pepper or two to create a better taste.

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